The absolute reality of the categories




categories, linguistic determination, universal level of linguistic determination, reality, things, abstract, cognizant creation.


The debate about categories has been in the Western Civilization since Aristotle formulated his organon or set of procedures to study things. In the European tradition categories have prompted different problems: the problem of their nature, with different solutions; the problem of their number (some say it is indefinite and some it is restricted to ten); the criterium in accordance with which they have been created; and finally as the result of the different modes of knowing. In this article the problem of reality of categories is to be posed, separating in it many aspects, one of which constitute the absolute reality of categories. In this sense our study is hermeneutics, the hermeneutics of categories.


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How to Cite

Martínez del Castillo, J. (2011). La realidad absoluta de las categorías. ENERGEIA. ONLINE JOURNAL FOR LINGUISTICS, LANGUAGE PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF LINGUISTICS, (III), 75–94.


