Between formal and informal standards.
‘Double standards’ in French, German and (Brazilian) Portuguese compared
German, French, (Brazilian) Portuguese, standardisation, destandardisation, demotisation, neo-standard, standard language ideology, double standards.Abstract
This article presents results from an explorative comparative study on ‘double standard’ constellations in French, German and (Brazilian) Portuguese. The concept of 'double' or even ‘multiple standards’ is based on the observation that many current standard languages are not homogeneous. Rather, the divergence of written and spoken standards, the emergence of informal standards and pluricentric/pluriareal situations have often resulted in the coexistence of different standard varieties/standard language registers. The aim of our study is to identify and discuss ‘double standard’ situations in three major languages against the background of the respective standardisation histories and current developments. Despite their different standardisation ages, ‘double standard’ constellations have emerged in all three languages, firstly, between written and spoken standard varieties, and, secondly, between different spoken registers – albeit with very different manifestations, ranging from a continuum between formal and informal registers (French) and the emergence of a ‘Neo-standard’ (with regional features) parallel to a conservative spoken standard (German) to the increasing integration of informal registers into a post-colonial standard variety (Portuguese in Brazil). In all three cases, the developments in the spoken standard can be seen as a process of demotisation. Although informal registers have become increasingly prevalent, the popular idea of a ‘best language’ remains unchallenged.
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