What is an isogloss?





This short contribution discusses the term and concept of isogloss: the space where a linguistic phenomenon exists or, by metonymic extension, the line that separates a particular linguistic phenomenon from another. Although the concept is currently used as an established and canonical term in linguistics, it is reasonable to explore its scope and the real sense that it carries, as well as to consider its origins and potential ambiguity in use. The main issue with the concept is that it seems to be theoretically necessary yet at the same time is not empirically attestable, which runs contrary to essential epistemological principles. We will seek to show that a) there is no contradiction between the existence of isoglosses as discrete units and the continuity of phenomena on the empirical level, b) the supposed end of the era of the diatopic anchorage of language in times of modern migration is a myth, c) that isoglosses should not be considered as established lines but rather as projections resulting from processes of individual constructions of spaces, and finally, d) that a central task of dialectology and of historical linguistics consists of the identification of the multi-layered superposition of different isoglosses that reflects the complex history of a language or variety.

Author Biography

  • Johannes Kabatek, Universität Zürich

    Born in 1965 in Stuttgart/Germany. Studies of Romance Philology, Political Science and Musicology in Tübingen and Málaga. 1991 MPhil; 1995 PhD University of Tübingen. 1993-1999, Assistant Prof. Univ. Paderborn and Tübingen; 2000-2013 professorships in Erfurt, Freiburg, Tübingen (Germany); since September 2013 full professor (chair) for Ibero-Romance linguistics at the University of Zurich. Visiting professorships in the US, in Brazil, Chile, Italy and Spain; Corresponding member of the Royal Galician, the Royal Spanish and the Chilean Language Academy. Dr. h.c. University of Suceava (2016). President of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (2020-21). Research areas: Romance linguistics (French, Ibero-Romance Languages); Language contact, minority languages, Medieval Spanish; Galician, Catalan; Brazilian Portuguese; Historical Linguistics; Historical syntax, spoken and written language. Editor-in-chief Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana; Energeia. Numerous publications on Eugenio Coseriu; director of the Coseriu Archives from 2005 onwards, host of www.coseriu.com.

    More information here.

    Contact: kabatek@rom.uzh.ch


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Thematic focus: Epistemology of language and space. Coord.: Héctor Álvarez Mella (Universität Heidelberg)

How to Cite

Kabatek, J. (2023). What is an isogloss?. ENERGEIA. ONLINE JOURNAL FOR LINGUISTICS, LANGUAGE PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF LINGUISTICS, VIII, 55-81. https://doi.org/10.55245/energeia.2023.004