A manuscript by Eugenio Coseriu to be published: his Einführung in die Phonologie für Romanisten





The book the editor prepared for publication is based on two manuscripts left by Coseriu as materials of his Tübingen lectures in the 1970-ies. The first part deals with the principles of classical Praguian phonology, its beginnings, its development as a model of structural linguistics, and its theoretical framework. Coseriu also discusses some of Trubetzkoy’s suppositions, putting forward his own new insights. Coseriu, however, goes beyond structuralism, developing, essentially, his linguistics of speech based on the speaker’s competence.

In the second part, “Romanische Phonologie”, we find a combination of phonological and phonetic descriptions of Italian, Spanish, and French. “Weak points” of their phonological systems are discussed, which means oppositions characterized by an insufficient workload together with the consequences for normative pronunciation of what generally are fixed variants. French has the highest number of “problematic zones”, but Italian, too, is difficult in this regard. The book ends with the comparison of the phonological systems of the three languages.

Author Biography

  • Wolf Dietrich, Universität Münster

    Wolf Dietrich is Professor emeritus of the two Chairs of Romance Linguistics at the University of Münster (Germany). He made his PhD in Philosophy (Linguistics) with Eugenio Coseriu at the University of Tübingen, Germany.

    Wolf Dietrich’s research focuses on historical linguistics as well as synchronic linguistics (tense, aspect, syntax, word formation). His research comprises in all Romance languages, Latin and Greek, and also South American languages (Tupi-Guarani) languages. Other linguistic areas are contact linguistics and linguistic historiography. He has authored many contributions on these topics in national and international contexts.

    Among his publications are El aspecto verbal perifrástico en las lenguas románicas (1983), El idioma chiriguano. Gramática, textos, vocabulario (1986), More evidence on the Internal Classification of Tupi-Guarani Languages (1990), Einführung in die spanische Sprachwissenschaft (together with Horst Geckeler and  Volker Noll), 1991 (7th reedition 2019), Griechisch und Romanisch (1995), Einführung in die französische Sprachwissenschaft (together with Horst Geckeler), 1995 (5th reedition 2012), Atlas Lingüístico Guaraní-Románico (together with Harald Thun and Haralambos Symeonidis), vol. I (2009), vol. II (2015).

    His approach is strongly influenced by Eugenio Coseriu’s Integral Linguistics. Within Coseriu’s legacy he edited the last three volumes of his Geschichte der Romanischen Sprachwissenschaft (2020-2022) as well as his Einführung in die Phonologie für Romanisten (forthcoming).


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General Part

How to Cite

Dietrich, W. (2023). Un manuscrito de Eugenio Coseriu por publicar: su Einführung in die Phonologie für Romanisten. ENERGEIA. ONLINE JOURNAL FOR LINGUISTICS, LANGUAGE PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF LINGUISTICS, VIII, 131-157. https://doi.org/10.55245/energeia.2023.007