Spatial and linguistic mobility in the narrative of a transnational speaker between Peru and Italy




The aim of this paper is to explore the language-space relationship by analysing the way Latin American transnational speakers experience mobility processes and the way these shape their linguistic practices and identities. Namely, the focal point of this study is the way spatial and sociolinguistic bordering are constructed and conceived by analysing the narrative of a transnational woman who experienced back and forth migration between Peru and Italy with her family. I will analyse this aspect from a theoretical point of view in the first part of the paper, where I will refer to that part of the literature that, while studying the relationship between language and migration, addresses questions about how language ideologies, the centre-periphery dynamics, as well as the material conditions of diaspora influence language practices and the construction of social identity in contemporary societies. I will then explore these epistemological aspects through the voice of a Peruvian transnational woman relating the social and sociolinguistic cross-bordering she experienced with her family through her spatial mobility.

Author Biography

  • Milin Bonomi, Università degli Studi di Milano

    Milin Bonomi is Associate Professor of Spanish Linguistics and Translation at University of Milan (Italy). She holds a PhD in Linguistics (Sociolinguistics) from University of Pisa (Italy).

    Milin Bonomi’s research focuses on the interplay of language and migration from different perspectives, with particular attention to discursive and identity practices of transnational Hispanic population in Italy and the role of Spanish as a minority and heritage language in educational settings. She has authored different contributions on these topics in national and international contexts. Among her publications is the book Mestizos globales. Transnacionalismo y prácticas discursivas en la población hispana en Italia (2018).

    Her theoretical and methodological approach is transdisciplinary and encompasses sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, linguistic anthropology while also engaging the fields of cultural and social studies, education and language policy.


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Thematic focus: Epistemology of language and space. Coord.: Héctor Álvarez Mella (Universität Heidelberg)

How to Cite

Bonomi, M. (2023). Spatial and linguistic mobility in the narrative of a transnational speaker between Peru and Italy. ENERGEIA. ONLINE JOURNAL FOR LINGUISTICS, LANGUAGE PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY OF LINGUISTICS, VIII, 11-31.